It’s great to participate in God’s work, there are many
works you can do at Church. The most importance one is the ushering ministry
(which I’m work on currently), where you welcome people into the house of God.
Remember you are representative of the Church, and as usher you also need to
ensure the smooth worship service.
These simple tips may able to help you to serves the God
house better for those interested in usher ministry
Know the Church layout clearly, example the
Greet people in a warm way to make the
worshippers feel comfortable or good in another word
Dress appropriately as you are the frontline
Always usher visitors to their seats
Avoid long conversation with other usher
Control the in / out crowd during service to
avoid interruption to the others
Always know where the available seats, so you
could stay informed
Keep the sanctuary doors closed during the
service time
Always inform your Usher Lead when you not able
to come to Church
I hope to explore more in God ministry in the future and
looking forward to server him with all my strength